This is my hundredth Adventuring Maya blog - yippeeeee! It makes me chuckle, because not so very long ago, I remember Andy saying to me 'Why don't you write a blog?' and I just looked at him like he was completely loopy and responded with something like, 'Why on earth would I want my privacy invaded like that?! Nope, I'll stick to my lock-n-key diary, thanks!' (It's not literally lock and key, but you know what I mean!) Funny that, because although I still love my diary and write in it a fair bit, there is something strangely, compellingly compulsive and addictive about blogging. Ok, let's stop beating around the bush and be totally honest - it's more than that...I am hooked. And anyway, I've managed to side-step the privacy issue (with this blog at least, not the other one) as it's Maya's world I'm scrutinising, not my own!
We returned this afternoon from two great days in Mysore with Granny Amma and Thatha. We stayed at the gorgeous Green Hotel where we've been once before. Maya absolutely adores this place as she has free reign of the palace (I know, aren't we posh) and the gardens and loves padding barefoot around the grounds, picking flowers and hiding in the palace's nooks and crannies. Mind you, it was pretty darn wet and windy (and cold even! Well, cold for India...) for a whole day and night and Maya skidded over in a muddy puddle on one of her forays and ended up with lots of tears and a badly grazed knee.
Highlights of our weekend in Mysore for Maya were visiting Mysore Palace at night when the thousands of tiny lights on its facade are illuminated and it looked just magical, eating lots of cake at possibly the loveliest cafe we've been to in India, meeting another little girl called Maya at the hotel which she was tickled pink by, being carried down Chamundi Hill on her Daddy's back and most immportantly of all, having her Granny Amma and Thatha around which made her one happy little lady.
A low point of the weekend was when, just as we were about to leave the hotel, Lily enthusiastically ran to get her shoes and tripped up. She fell forwards and knocked her mouth really hard on a glass table. Lots of blood, lots and lots and lots of crying and the poor little lovely's front tooth was even knocked backwards. Miraculously, it didn't come out but she now has one wonky front tooth, a puffed up lip and one sore mouth. Maya was really upset about it too and they didn't even squabble again for the rest of the day.
Back to school Maya goes tomorrow and let's hope that Lily isn't in too much pain tonight.
Oh dear. We had a tooth crisis when my son was 2 when he was pushing a toy baby buggy along, hit a kerbstone, flew over the top of it, and took out his two front teeth when he landed. Ouch! They were the quickest extractions I've ever seen. He just had to wait until the big ones came through and he called himself 'Chrithstopher' for a long time.