I have always been amazed that my daughter, aged 2, is so particular about what she wears. She has always been like this and generally, I've had very little say about what she picks out each day. Now that we're in the Indian heat, Maya has suddenly been presented with a new, summer wardrobe and this has played havoc with the little fashionista's sensibilities. For a start, all her beloved tights and jumpers have inexplicably disappeared. And there's also the problem that she has far fewer clothes to choose from. This morning, we had a complete rigmarole before we could finally leave the house. She liked the look of a dress, put it on, posed in front of the mirror for a while but then I watched as her bottom lip puckered and she decided that she didn't like it. Off came the dress. So I suggested a skirt, but she only wanted the skirt she'd worn the previous two days (which was looking decidedly grubby). I relented, but then came the problem of what to wear with it. Everything I gave her was hurled across the bed and when I eventually pulled something over her curly head, by the time I'd finished changing Lily's nappy, she'd pulled it right down so it was now sitting on her hips like a second skirt. Hmmm....
Keen to get going at this point, but rather less keen that Maya should hit Bangalore wearing 2 skirts and a bare chest, I pulled a further summer dress over her head which she sullenly agreed to. Because of the ferocious sun, I was unhappy that it left her arms so bare and convinced her to wear a cotton, long sleeved shirt. By now, she'd grown quite attached to her two bottom skirts so in grand total she was now wearing a dress, a skirt, a top and a shirt. With her hair freshly washed from the night before and standing out on her head in unruly corkscrew curls, she looked quite a sight. But I was too weary to argue with her anymore, so that was that!
Maya's Abuela Paulina has very generously given us some money to buy the girls some new clothes so at some point over the next few days I'll try to take her shopping so madam can choose her own attire. My god, she's only two years old. What on earth will she be like when she's a teenager???!
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